“Oh my god, they found me. I dunno how, but they found me.”

No, did not send the Libyans a fake bomb made of old pinball parts.

My students. They found me here in my little ‘ol corner of the internets.

I always knew that this would happen eventually. They were worried that I am going to completely take the site down now. (I’m not.) Or that I would change the name so that they won’t be able to find it again. (I won’t.)

But what they they didn’t ask is what may or may not be removed now that they know it is here. And I’ll never tell them if I’ve edited, or if they are getting to see all that there ever was to see.

And the not knowing? That’s going to drive them nuts. And I enjoy that. Because I am evil.

inspiration…to idea…to reality.

I know this blog is bordering on being a fan blog for another blog, but hey, this project is near and dear to my heart for a variety of reasons that I’ve documented here and here.

Remember this? Well, the book actually exists now. I’ve read along as The Beauty of Different went from inspiration, to idea, to a goal, to a commitment, to a reality. And, frankly, I’m just darn proud and inspired by Karen’s commitment to making this worthy project a very real and tangible thing that I will soon be able to hold in my own two hands. I wasn’t kidding when I said that you should go buy two copies… one for yourself and another for a friend who needs to be reminded that she or he is beautiful. I plan to buy one for myself and a copy for each of my girls for when they are older.

Because, honestly, I work every day among girls who change their hair, and heavily line their eyes, and gloss their lips, and try so hard to look like…[sigh]…everybody else. Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against chi’s or MAX-Lash, or Clinique. There are others who work very hard to look different from everybody else. Sometimes their different is contrived; sometimes it is delightful. Their hair is a vivid crayola shade, their clothes are layered and unconventional. But there are some who simply look comfortable in their own skin. And, oh my, are they ever so lovely. I don’t know if they are even aware of the light that they shine.

I want them to see it. To know it.

And I want the others who can’t see their own light… or don’t know it… or fear it… or don’t value it…

to embrace it right now–today!